Berlin Conference on Libya, January 19th, 2020 - Recommendations
My recent visit to Eastern Libya, October 20th - November 25th, 2019
I recently returned from an extended visit to Eastern Libya at the invitation of Libyan Interim Government. I learned much about the House of Representatives (HoR) through its President Counsel Aguila Saleh, met and held long discussions with Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thani, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulhadi Lahweej, and some members of the Libyan National Army.
48 hours after a White House delegation met with General Khalifa Haftar, Commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA) in Amman, Jordan on November 24th, I had the benefit of a meeting with U.S officials in Tunis. They expressed concerns over the presence of Russian solders in LNA ranks and increased civilian casualties. In April, General Haftar launched a military campaign to capture Tripoli from the Government of National Accords (GNA). Learning from four years of experience fighting a war against hundreds of Islamic terrorists in eastern Libya, in Derna and Benghazi, Haftar is more cautious about committing more civilian casualties in his pursuit of Tripoli. Much of historical Benghazi was leveled to the ground from airstrikes in pursuit of Islamic extremists in 2014. (See video clips below)
Driving to Central Benghazi
Much of historical Benghazi was leveled to the ground from airstrikes by General Haftar forces in pursuit of Islamic extremists in 2014 - 2015
Driving in the Center of Town of Benghazi
Much of historical Benghazi was leveled to the ground from airstrikes by General Haftar forces in pursuit of Islamic extremists in 2014 - 2015
U.S House of Representatives hearing on Libya May 15th, 2019
The Conflict in Libya
"Testimony was proposed to be submitted for the record" to House Members of Subcommittee: Middle East, North Africa, and International Terrorism
Excerpts from the "proposed testimony"..
Eight years after the fall of the Qaddafi regime it has become vividly clear; the Libyan people in the current atmosphere of instability are unable to establish a functioning state. The United Nations sponsored Government of National Accord established in December 17th, 2015 never met any of its minimum mandated objectives of disarming militias, integrating members of militia groups into society, creating a democratic process for the eventual ratification of a viable constitution, and establishing police and security forces. Click for full text
On the day of the congressional hearings on The Conflict in Libya, May 15th, seven Members of the House of Representatives, sent a request to the U.S Attorney, General Willam Barr, and Director of the FBI Christoper Wray to investigate Commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA), General Khalifa Hafter for war crimes.
Letter of Intervention by Turbi
Excerpts from Turbi's letter..
It is truly a conflict between GOOD and EVIL. Do we want to support the tactical and strategic timely move by the Libyan National Army to restore law and order in the whole country of Libya, and eliminate radical terrorists or do we want to support those who were responsible for the brutal killing of our Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi September 12th, 2012?
Honorable William Barr, and Honorable Christopher Wray, I believe in order for our foreign policy to succeed with Libya and the region, we must pursue one that is truly based on enlightened self-interest. We must take the lead and work with the United Nations Security Council in the manner recommended in my attached testimony. Click for full text
Who else to blame for Libya's mess ?
Al-Jazeera English interviews Omar Turbi on migrants, slave and human trafficking in Libya. Human trafficking lords in the Island of Malta, and Italy profit from the flow of African migrants from the Sub Sahara to Libya through to Europe.
What is the solution so that Libya can realize peace soon ? and How ? November 28th, 2017 |
Has ISIS been removed from Libya?
Al-Jazeera English interviews Omar Turbi on ISIS in Libya. Has ISIS been removed from Libya? Can Libya realize peace any time soon ? and How ?
December 6th, 2o16 |
Current Libya crisis
"It has become abundantly clear, three years after the fall of the Qaddafi regime; the Libyan people have not been able to establish viable democratic institutions, and a functioning state. The crisis at present has reached alarming levels and threatens the peace and security, not only of Libya but also of North Africa, the Sahel countries and the Mediterranean. The prospects of an intractable crisis are looming, and Libya is on the brink of becoming a failed state at the center of a critical region of the World." June 25, 2014 ...... Continued proposed UN intervention in a testimony to the U.S Congress, June 25, 2014
Sir David Frost Host of Frost on the World - Al-Jazeera English discusses Libya's post-Gaddafi future with Omar Turbi, advisor to the National Transitional Council (NTC). London, November 26th, 2011 Discusses the newly formed Libyan government headed by Dr. Abdelrahim Alkeib and the future of Libya.